Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fake as a Troll ( Trolls ?? My Arse !!)

I first wanted to post a cartoon of a bare human arse as my solemn message to all online Trolls but decided that in these trying times it may be misinterpreted: As pornography, sexism and insulting to a woman's dignity if female, or an invitation to be sodomized or solidarity with Gay pride if male. 

One of the primary reasons I gave up on Facebook (never to regret) were the Trolls that seemed to come out of the woodwork at every step wearing the widest assortment of masks, but quite unitary in their task: to argue, demean and intimidate people little known to them or even complete strangers. 

These comprise all manner of Desh Bhakts(Indian Hindu Patriots) or zombified Modi cultists, many of them NRIs( Indian origin emigrants) or those who will scoot abroad at the first opportunity, but always up in arms to defend Hinduism and Mother India's Honour and Virginity. Not to forget the innumerable Muslim bigots who try to first pose as liberals (often hiding behind Hindu and Christian names) and later playing the victim, pointing shakey accusatory fingers screeching: Islamophobia!!

Once I got a friend request from someone called Kaushik Trehan, who judiciously followed each and every Facebook post I made, which bordered on stalking. And what I found very surprising was an extremely Pro-Muslim slant in many of his comments on my posts, which I found questionable for someone bearing a Hindu name and especially as being an abject atheist,  I neither ever expressed any Muslim bashing Hindu-rightwing views nor any support for their constant cries of victimhood.

Furthermore, this Kaushik Trehan had a very familiar way of writing which I found remarkably similar to that of a certain Mr Mazumdar. A Facebook friend who I never met personally, but knew to be a carpet bagger who married into a very moneyed Muslim family, and was representing his wife's family business in one of the Arab countries. And who spent all his free and working time on social media posing as an Indian liberal, either bashing Modi or bemoaning the plight of Muslims in relatively sophisticated English in his posts. So a quick google image reverse search revealed that the profile picture was indeed of one Kaushik Sengupta and but not a Trehan,  who was a research scholar at the Delft University and an email to him had him confirm that it was not his Facebook profile. So I wrote an ominous post about people stealing identities and making fake profiles to monitor friends (Stassi-like) to gauge their real view on the "one true religion, and its proponents." Within a matter of minutes, the Kaushik Trehan exploded into a flurry of F-words accusing me of being a Bastard, an Islamophob,  of being a closet Hindu Supremacist and also a Misogynist (but I thought it was a necessity in the religion of peace). He also took screenshots of my profile page which had numerous photographs of my very young daughter and pasted them to all over the Woke and Liberal groups on Facebook warning them all about what a scoundrel I was.

His abuse too,  word by word sounded exactly like the ones regularly used by Mr Mazumdar in his regular rants, but who incidentally still doesn't acknowledge that the fake profile was his and has been playing the victim card since.

Let's also not forget the entitled angry feminists, many of them single(not surprisingly), others mooching off their well-earning husband and living a relatively luxurious life and those living on generous alimony courtesy the bastard of an ex-husband, but always chiding people (men) about rape and the plight of the poor unprivileged women. There are also those whose mantra is a sort of a reverse of a Door's song "Men seem wicked when you are unwanted(or untouched)" for being obnoxious, obese, ugly and angry. 

One such character was a woman who I knew since my early teenage who despite being accepted as "one of the guys,"  demanded not just beer goggles but partial or preferably full blindness to be seen as attractive by a normal man( and no she didn't have a heart of gold either).  And with age taking its toll and despite her arrange-marriage snared husband, her appearance and demeanour didn't improve and neither did her grudges lessen towards the human male. And so when she once posted a meme that proclaimed all men as rapists, I didn't loose an opportunity to bait her and I immediately wrote a comment congratulating her for coming out of the closet and requested that share publicly how many times she or her female relatives had to undergo such victimization (got raped) along with the names of the perpetrator (here it was my morbid curiosity as to whether he was blind or a contender for world's biggest pervert title), as the world needs to know the truth about rape and victims should be bold enough to face the culprits to bring them to justice. She promptly deleted my comment, but I had already copied it, and immediately pasted it back. This continued about half a dozen times till she finally deleted her post and next unfriended me. 

Was I trolling her? Probably! 

Do I regret it? Not the least!!

Plus, let not forget the most pathetic kind of trolls around; the squeaky, pesky "Manginas" or the Male Feminists who hope that their pathetic online squabbles with male sexists and misogynists would endear them to the female of the species and possibly score them a girlfriend, maybe they would even get to loose their virginity at 28. There are also those who would proudly show their posts to their other halves hoping to score brownie points redeemable as a BJ in the best of days, but more likely just a lesser intensity of nagging.

And there's also the whole Woke Brigade and SJWs, facebook feuds with whom would require a few more pages of disdainful venom to describe them all. 

In short, I was done tolerating angry, disgruntled people of all ages, faiths and genders seeking self-validation via online bravado, aggression and self-aggrandizement or self-professed victimhood and the endless rhetoric and vitriol. Especially when most of them in real life are meek, resentful underdogs who can only thrive in the quasi anonymity of the internet and social media with their online personas as Facebook Falcons, Twitter Tigers and WhatsApp Warriors. 

Unfortunately, LinkedIn the only platform that I still use too has no lack of them. 

And the only effective tool that works with these pests is not winning an argument, as engaging with them eventually brings one down to their level, but Blocking right away. 

And that's what I do and have no qualms about it at all.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Are you an Alcoholic ??!!

The 1st time I was seriously asked if I was an Alcoholic was at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Chiang Mai, then held in a large colonial-styled bungalow not far from the McCormick Hospital, which I also later learned was a hotbed of ex-pat politics.

I was dragged there by a friend who religiously attended their meets, and partly by my curiosity. What I didn't know was that it was expected from everyone to introduce themselves and say that they are Alcoholics and next whether they are still partaking or proudly declare that they haven't touched the devil's brew for "n" number of years. So when it was my turn to introduce myself, I only stated my name and country, as I didn't consider myself either then or now to be an alcohol abuser.

Immediately a stout bald gentleman in a Pink Hawaiian shirt, a thick gold chain and a young Thai girl on his side, with the demeanour of an ex-US Special Forces guy (but might have been a retired Xerox salesman for all I know), sharply asked me "Sir, aren't you an alcoholic??" I replied with a grin, "not yet, I just indulge occasionally!!" 

I regretted it immediately, seeing the expressionless faces looking back at me, realising that humour has no place in AA. 

The meeting was a long-drawn narration by each of the participants about their struggle with booze and how it ruined their lives. Most of them also claimed that they haven't touched it in decades if not more, which made me think of them as pretenders and posers in search of a place to belong and flaunt their feathers as most of them did appear to be well-heeled.

The only two Thai faces were the Xerox-Special Forces guy's girlfriend who was busy with her mobile phone and a hapless Tuk-Tuk driver who was snared in by Crazy Maggie. A middle-aged Jewish New Yorker, a former number cruncher turned holistic healer with a penchant of shocking all around with the crudest sex-talk. The tedium ended with tea, biscuits and exchanging phone numbers.

I couldn't wait to run back and open a chilled Singha; I badly needed a drink.

The 2nd time, and something tells me it isn't the last, was during my house hunting spree in Delhi, a city where tenants are strictly divided into familial and single persons with a gigantic self-righteous moralistic wall. Where even a married man living apart from his family or in my case a widower, are all considered Bachelors and who are all collectively branded as debauched whoremongers, drunkards and people who don't pay the rent on time. 

Your dietary habits are scrutinized to determine whether you are a real vegetarian or not, along with extensive interrogations about your job and earnings. Where telephones numbers of property rental ads are picked up by sullen and suspicious Bhabis (Brother's wife- a universal nomenclature for married women in north India) who first demand to know how you got her number, least her frail Indian woman's modesty is outraged. When while scrutinizing my moral antecedents and without blinking an eye(so I assume, as it was on the phone) one of the prospective landlords asked me sharply..

Aap Alcoholic Hai kya?? (Are you an Alcoholic??)

When I retorted somewhat sternly asking what did he mean, he toned down and somewhat mildly replied that he wanted to know whether I consume alcohol, as tipplers are not welcome  to rent his apartment. But very soon I ran across another ad which clearly said "For vegetarian and Non-Alcoholic families only!!"

Monday, March 1, 2021

The Have-Nots & the Cowards

I was still too groggy in the morning to notice that his breath reeked of stale booze when he stopped me outside a store where I just purchase milk and showing me his calloused dirty hands said that he was an out of job mechanic and if could I help him buy some rations as he has two small daughters to feed. Frankly, I didn't like him at all, but his plea about having kids to feed struck a cord. The dislike only deepened when sensing my positive disposition he quickly added a list of stuff: flour, tea, sugar and rice. 

"Whoa, I am not getting you your  shopping list" I told him and just asked told the store clerk to give him a kilo of flour on my account. "What, you can't even buy me 5 kilos" he retorted angrily and bitterly, to which he received a string of expletives(my first in the day) and was left standing empty-handed. It was obvious that in his eyes I was a fat selfish  Bourgeoisie unwilling to help a desperate man, whereas  I saw an entitled ungrateful asshole who probably got kicked out of his job for slacking and drinking.

Later, narrating this incident to a friend, I observed that such bitter, entitled "have-nots" had always been the target audience and later foot soldiers of the communists, just like the ambitious yet cowardly, always cheer for the Fascists: The flag wavers and the shrill online warriors, not to forget those posting images of their wannabe or full-fledged Dictator or Supreme Leader daily on social-media pages and WhatsApp statuses hoping that someone would notice their dedication and reward them with a position, which they as cowardly bullies would later exploit to the hilt. 

But as they say, hope dies last, both for the bitter jobless mechanic or for the meek bigoted nationalistic accountant or programmer. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Innovating in India

 Rajiv Bajaj, the Big Boss of Bajaj Auto once remarked that innovating in India is equivalent to "MAD IN INDIA." He couldn’t have been more right. 

In the last few months of building the prototypes of our shallow water boat motors, we are stumbling against every single obstacle possible; both those envisaged and others we couldn’t even imagine. 

The 3d scans all came with skewed geometry, necessitating manual remeasurement and rectification. Every bearing housing was either too tight or loose, the same with the shafts. Most aluminium casting shops refused right away to make sample pieces and the one that finally took the job neither sieved the sand nor removed the dross, resulting in pockmarked casts with black spots, but blamed our 3d-printed patterns for their bad quality casts. 

While trying to get the gears made, one irritated Sardarji remarked that they don't have time to make one-off pieces (that's just normal spur gears), besides he couldn't guarantee the required precision.  So I asked him what kind of gears do they make to which he gruffly replied "for Lathe machines". Which partially explained why all our machined parts were slightly off. Another gear cutting workshop owner after promising to build us two samples, did a complete about-turn after I gave him a sample to replicate, claiming that he needs a minimum order of 50 units at a cost 4 times higher than if imported from China. 

Virtually everyone had to be cajoled into doing their jobs because they all claimed that they are only interested in large production orders. Thus, the clutch is yet to arrive after two months of ordering and making full payment and the same is with several other parts. And the most insulting part is being universally regarded as a rich nut-case with money to burn on a frivolous project or alternately a  poor time-waster. So much for  #atmanirbharta #india #innovations

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Corporate Alladin's Lamp

From a hardcore caffeine junkie to milk-tea (Chai) drinker, the transition has been as much due to developing gastric symptoms due to half a dozen espressos daily as much as due to the innumerable Corporate Panhandling and Freeloading attempts I had to endure at their expense of 1 cup of coffee(usually a lousy machine made one with the cheapest beans), their wish list encompassing all that is mentioned below for everything from Tyres to Batteries, Industrial Chemicals, Refinery Equipment, Military Grade tech, Amphibious vessels and what not…

So the resolutions for 2021 are: No personal meetings (only Zoom or Skype calls for the preliminary interaction where I first specify my charges and terms or work before starting the conversation) and yes... No Coffee!!

Cherchez Le Femme

The Russians love to use the French phrase "Cherchez La Femme," popularized by Hugo, which implies that most trouble, directly or ...