Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scam. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Karma of the Fallen


Karma Cartoon # 7781 - ANDERTOONS

It was during a visit to an industrial area near Delhi where by chance I came across a familiar steel rebar factory. Now abandoned, its gates locked and bent, with not even a guard in sight. When I asked around, I was told, "Oh, that plant? It’s been closed for years, the owner’s in hiding." Further digging revealed that he and his sons were wanted by banks, private creditors, and government agencies. Their investments in an African plant had also gone belly up.

How the mighty had fallen, I thought.

These were the same people who caused me immense distress and months of sleepless nights, using legal intimidation and a sham arbitration case, appointing their own foreman as arbitrator. All because I refused to get arm twisted to reveal one of my professional secrets - the formula of a surfactant used in fuel emulsification. Finally, it was only my well-wishers in the government that got them off my back.

A clan of arrogant, greedy, egoistic and unscrupulous scoundrels—now bankrupt and hiding like rats, their factory rusting and falling into pieces.

I played no part in their downfall, as it was all their own doing, and nor do I believe much in karma. But I doubt they've learned anything. They were scoundrels then, and they’ll likely remain so till the last day they breathe.

However, this episode made me quit consulting on industrial furnaces and all further development work on fuel emulsification technology. I also left the steel industry behind once and for all. Thereafter, I faced years of unemployment, financial ruin, and the breakdown of my family. Worst of all, it shook my faith in humanity and in my own knowledge, abilities and self-confidence to the core. Yet, despite everything, I never regretted that decision.

It took another decade to repeat the cycle of clawing up and again falling, but this time due to trusting government officials, whose words I have since learnt the hard way, never mean anything, unless it concerns their bribe or cut. And learning first-hand about the absurd inefficiency and red tape within government machinery. People who love to criticize our government have no clue as to how  pathetic things really are deep inside, especially at the upper echelons. So my grand project of dealing with sophisticated watercraft, which included sourcing a hovercraft for the man himself, which was to be used at the Kumbh Mela, all went splat on the ground due to bureaucratic delays and infighting. So it was back to sleepless nights, an empty bank account and a Covid lockdown thrown into the mix for added comfort.

Last year, it was the "currently most well-known Assamese - Tridip Goswami", a Climate Warrior, then one of the top executives of C-Quest Capital India, the Indian subsidiary of the now disgraced Carbon Credit Creating (out of thin air) Snake Oil firm, who tried scamming me out of my Biomass Stove design under the guise of testing out prototypes. Now awaiting his trials at our Supreme Court and the US Criminal Courts for participating in a multi-million Carbon Credit Scam. Meanwhile, infected by an epidemic of 
schadenfreude, many of the same people who snorted at me for calling him a conman earlier, are sending me messages with links to news stories from around the world.  All gleefully talking or snickering about his forthcoming OEM (Orifice Enlargement Massage) at the hands of American Blacks in a US prison. Yes, Indians can be perverts and bloody racists as well. Appalling but true !

But, here I am, still around, living, working, writing and trying to design and innovate with whatever means I have. And yes, I just got bamboozled by a car transporter whom I foolishly or, due to lack of time in Delhi, entrusted to transport my 18-year-old heap to Guwahati. Not only they took over two months to transport, I was also overcharged by a third and instead of delivering it at home they dumped it over 36 km away, and finally I could recover and take possession of my car only with the help of the police..

Never a dull moment living India and no lack of reasons for the Blood Pressure remaining permanently high... Maybe karma exists after all...

Monday, October 7, 2024

Phantom Menace of Carbon Credits

 Last year Channel 4 made a major exposé on the Biomass Stove Carbon Credit scam specifically naming US based C-Quest Capital and detailing how most of their distributed stoves in Malawi were out of commission, but still accruing phantom Carbon credits. As someone who's been deeply involved in developing high-efficiency, low-smoke Biomass Stoves with a patent-pending design, I am not surprised.

Having seen many of the stoves distributed by these so-called Carbon Credit companies, I can tell you first-hand that the claimed efficiency figures are laughable. Most of these stoves are poorly made, flimsy, and to put it bluntly, absolute garbage! Worse still, their methods for calculating carbon credits? Accountant meets the Phantom Menace, in other words a spreadsheet fantasy.

Last year, C-Quest Capital's Indian subsidiary approached me for my patent pending biomass stove design. Long story short, they wanted a few units for testing, made me jump through endless hoops for their paperwork, and even had me sign NDAs with their U.S. office, then again sign a contract and submit a quote to their Indian subsidiary in Delhi. The order finally came from some shady firm registered in Bangalore. They also gave me an impossible deadline, which I told them right away that it was not possible to meet, but they implored that I give it a shot and promised an advance.

I ended up wasting two months—one in paperwork, the next trying to get the prototype done—cancelling two flights only on the insistence of one of their top Delhi executives, a fellow Assamese. I never received the advance, but instead, got an obnoxious chiding WhatsApp message from some HR flunky, while their top guy who first contacted me and was responsible for pushing me, started ghosting. I dropped the project and cursed the day I agreed to work with them, but never regretted my decision, despite the loss of time, effort, and money.

It didn't take much time to deduct that their whole operation was a sham and as translucent and smokey as their supposedly 50% efficient stoves, which they were handing out to rake in carbon credits.
The more I learned, the less I wanted anything to do with them.

Now the icing on the cake? The same top executive— the fellow Assamese—who later left the company, is the same Tridip Goswami who now being dragged to the Supreme Court with criminal charges by the US government for fraud along with his former Boss.

It couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person.

As insipid as the episode was, I guess not all bad things happen in vain.

It's a shame that something that had the potential to genuinely helping poor communities and the environment by reducing deforestation is being exploited in this cynical way. But isn't everything these days?

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Bad "Servile" Blood

Last night, I finished reading the not so incredulous story of the Biomedical startup and biggest corporate scam of this century the - Theranos saga in "Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup" by John Carreyrou. 

Though quite engaging, I can’t  say I am very impressed by his style of delivery which at times is more suitable for House and Garden magazine or a woman centric publication with a penchant for describing dresses and mascara. But, on the whole it was a tenacious labour of uncovering the truth behind a corporate scam shielded by powerful men,  weaponized legal intimidation and absolutely unscrupulous promoters. 

A story of how a young blond blue-eyed woman from a privileged background, a Stanford dropout with a fake voice having all the hallmarks of a psychopath and her unlikely partner, a Bombay born, bullying, boastful, uncouth and unscrupulous Sindhi rouge who earlier made it big in the US by a fluke, peddled a non-existing technology and successfully raised hundred of million dollars from VCs. 

With the initial team of experts and technologists leaving or fired by the psychopathic duo, later the venture relied on a small army of scared, servile and sycophantic  Indian minions afraid of losing their jobs and visas. There were also a  couple of lying Chinese, and the company was backed by powerful white and Jewish old men ready to sacrifice their grandchildren to Moloch for their seat on the board in exchange for stock and by the highest echelons of the Democrat party right from the Clintons to Biden and the Obamas. 

So when the shit finally hit the ceiling, VCs learned that they invested in an elaborate scam and lost their money, almost a million people jeopardized their lives with inaccurate tests, the female Steve Jobs wannabe remained unrepentant and is trying to play the role of a victim and the only beneficiaries of this Unicorn to Dinosaur story as usual are the American lawyers.

All too familiar elements for me, fake accents,to  bogus antecedents and reports, political corruption, legal intimidation, old coots gaga for a smart confident young woman, greed, caprice,  tyranny and as an Indian the most familiar of them all : Bullying Indian business owners treating employees and  hired consultants like servants.

Considering people's propensity for listening to and believing in fables, especially those promising them heap loads of money, I have thus started reading "Bullshit & Philosophy" by Gary S. Hardcastle.

Cherchez Le Femme

The Russians love to use the French phrase "Cherchez La Femme," popularized by Hugo, which implies that most trouble, directly or ...