
Showing posts from May 11, 2008

The Question of Insurance Coverage

The Question of Insurance Coverage If there is a single aspect that gives me the jitters about the numerous biking jaunts I undertook in the past, is the fact that during most of them, I rode without any personal Insurance cover. It is pure luck that I rode through all of them without any mishaps and so the lack of coverage seemed almost trivial. Well, I won’t deny that the thought wasn’t there somewhere in the back of my mind and on a couple of occasions I even went to find out details about the various accident and medical cover insurance policies available. But it was way back in the early nineties when Insurance was strictly a privilege of our Socialist Comrades, the Public Sector. In the first General Insurance Company's office I visited, the person dealing with Personal Accident Insurances was missing for a couple of hours and no one knew where he was and when he would be back. After waiting for close to two hours and fed up of getting “why are you he

The Twin Plug Enfield Bullet

When Royal Enfield motorcycle’s designers in Redditch blueprinted the Bullet, their intent was to create a workhorse and so emphasis was placed on mechanical reliability and not performance. As a result, the traditional Bullet engine packs a solid construction, one that can endure colossal mechanical fatigue and stress. Thus it doesn’t take much to garner appreciably higher power output from the motorcycle and one doesn’t have to be either Fritz Egli or have a state-of-the-art workshop to do it. For starters just knock in an additional Spark Plug and you already have something worthwhile. And no, you don’t have to go for the Royal Enfield’s new unit engine, of the Thunderbird TBTS to have the Twin Spark Plug advantage. As I have been riding one for the past eight years. A second Spark stands for cleaner and faster rate of combustion translating both into higher RPMs, better power and leaner burning. In fact far leaner and Fuel efficient then the Enfield’s AVL engine. Coming