Monday, October 12, 2020

Pavlik & Karens - Not a Sex Story!!

The story of "Pavlik Morozov" was compulsorily taught in soviet schools and his portrait hung in every classroom. He was a communist martyr, a boy who informed on his father to the authorities for some criminal activity (hoarding grains as per another version) and so was killed by his family. The moral was two-fold: A hero always places the state above his family and that it's perfectly all right to snitch on family members if they don't follow government dictates.

 The western world always expressed horror on such leftist indoctrination, but are no strangers to such behaviour either. Right from the days of the Catholic inquisition in Europe to McCarthy's anti-communist witchunt in the 50s, to standing in long ques for signing-up to spy on terrorists (neighbours) after 9/11 in the US. 

Now, in the era of Corona Karens, people are self-righteously spying and snitching on others for lockdown or mask-rule violations "all for the good of the State". So stop blaming communists and pseudo-leftists, as McCarthy and Bush were republicans, while BoJo the Clown is a Tory. 

Remember there are Pavliks & Karens aplenty in every society, all it takes is a government that promotes a "snitch on your neighbour" policy.

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