Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Linkedin is a platform that had first morphed from a professional and cribbing HR's network into a jobseekers forum, now is just a little more refined Facebook with kitty videos and children's drawings (at least previous work's drivers and handymen don't send me friend requests, if it sounds elitist so be it, I don't GAF). We have all manners of Deshbakts(Modi cultists), Trump, Russia and China bashing self-righteous inquisitors, hysterical climatistas, weeping willows, trolls of every form, and plagiarists aplenty. Ghost-written posts by high and mighty influencers to those promoted by paid ones.

 Where having 10,000 connects equal to adding 2 inches in the chest or between the legs, depending on your gender. And now we have the LinkedIn Jail, Censorship and the threat of being deplatformed without a warning. In short the writing on the wall says, time to redevelop your website and start blogging there in parallel, because you never know when LinkedIn will deem you persona non grata. 

So back up your data folks, that is if you consider there is something valuable in here, either as in contacts, articles or to narcissistically re-read your earlier posts over and over again... You can do so by clicking the link below #censorship #deplatform #backup #data #Linkedin

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